Our Mission
The Benjamin Banneker Association, an equity affiliate of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), is committed to supporting its members to empower Black children by actively pursuing effective solutions to the challenges hindering their access to equal opportunities in mathematics education and achievement.

Our Values
We value community, because we understand that in order to go far, we must go together.
We value the brilliance of Black children and constantly seek to provide mathematical spaces where Black students can demonstrate that brilliance in a variety of engaging ways.
We value the rich cultural heritage of mathematical brilliance of Black people throughout history and throughout the world, and seek to regularly inform Black students of that rich heritage.

Our History
The Benjamin Banneker Association (BBA) was founded in 1986 by seven insightful, concerned, and courageous African-American mathematics educators. Benjamin Dudley, Edgar Edwards, Jr., William Greer, Harriett Haynes, Marie Jernigan, Genevieve Knight, and Dorothy Strong decided that there was a significant need for a forum to discuss the success and problems of the learning and teaching of mathematics concerning Black children. The initial activities were in an Interaction Laboratory and a Breakfast in conjunction with NCTM Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., in 1986.