The Benjamin Banneker Association, Inc.
Benjamin Banneker Association, Inc. is a national non-profit organization of individuals and groups concerned with the mathematics education of ALL children – specifically African-American children. Since our founding in 1986, our organization has been dedicated to mathematics education advocacy, establishing a presence for leadership, and professional development to support teachers in leveling the playing field for mathematics learning of the highest quality for African-American students.

Who We Are

Our History

The Benjamin Banneker Association (BBA) was founded by seven insightful, concerned, and courageous African-American mathematics educators. Benjamin Dudley, Edgar Edwards, Jr., William Greer, Harriett Haynes, Marie Jernigan, Genevieve Knight, and Dorothy Strong decided that there was a significant need for a forum to discuss the success and problems of the learning and teaching of mathematics concerning African-American children. learning and teaching of mathematics concerning African-American children. The initial activities were in an Interaction Laboratory and a Breakfast in conjunction with NCTM Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., in 1986.
Board Members